(631) 667-6000, ext. 114
Western Suffolk BOCES offers job placement services to current students and graduates of our programs. We maintain a large database with career opportunities at many local firms. Our experienced counselors will also help you craft your resume and give you interview tips.
Western Suffolk BOCES and Wilson Tech Students/Grads:

Search our Job Bank
Updated weekly! Take advantage of our long-standing reputation for placing qualified graduates聽in local businesses.

Get Help Finding a Job!
A BOCES career counselor will answer graduates’ questions to help you in your job search.

Request your Transcript
Complete, sign, and mail this request form along with $5 fee. Credit card or money order only. No cash. Form is to be used by:
- secondary students who completed a program at Wilson Tech
- part-time adult students who completed a program at Wilson Tech
- full-time adults who completed a BOCES program

聽Attend a Job Fair
Check regularly for information about Job Fairs in our area.
Employers: Entry level Job Opportunities!

Tell us about job vacancies you have or expect to have.Let us help match well-trained graduates of our rigorous programs with your business.